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Montessoriutbildning med AIM i Sverige

Mary Ellen Maunz grundade Authentic Institute of Montessori (AIM) 2011. AIM har sitt huvudkontor i Bozeman i delstaten Montana i USA. Mary Ellen fick sin montessoriutbildning av Elizabeth Caspari, som i sin tur blev utbildad av Maria Montessori i Adyar i Indien 1942. Elizabeth Caspari startade den första montessoriutbildningen i USA 1973.

Efter att en fin vänskap utvecklats mellan Elizabeth Caspari och Mary Ellen Maunz, bildade de tillsammans AIM och spelade in fler än 300 timmars undervisningsmaterial. I filmerna undervisar Elisabeth Caspari och för vidare det sanna och genuina arvet av Maria Montessoris metod.

Sedan starten har AIM utbildat montessoripedagoger över hela världen, framför allt i USA, Taiwan, Vietnam och Sydafrika. Ett av AIM:s mål är att kunna erbjuda montessoriutbildning för alla, även i områden där det inte nödvändigtvis finns ekonomiska möjligheter. Genom att delta i AIM:s svenska montessoriutbildning, som består av både onlinekurser och lärarledd, närvarobaserad utbildning, får du lära dig hur du kan föra vidare Maria Montessoris verkliga arv, göra skillnad i barns tidiga utvecklingsstadium och vara med och höja montessoripedagogikens värde i Sverige. AIM vill ge alla möjligheter att bli montessoripedagoger av högsta kvalitet, var de än befinner sig i världen.

I september 2024 startar AIM för första gången en svensk utbildning. Den börjar med en distanskurs på nätet och följs av praktik samt en närvarobaserad, lärarledd "residency" på Bladins Montessoriförskola i Malmö den 7-25 juli 2025.

AIM erbjuder i nuläget "Karriär Plus" kursen i Sverige. Vänligen se videon för mer information. Allt kursmaterial är på svenska, men videolektionerna som du tar del av under distanskursen är på engelska. Under utbildningens "residency" går vi igenom videolektionerna tillsammans med handledare Camilla Nichols.

Första året består av 330 timmars onlinekurs (cirka 10-15 timmar i veckan) och tre veckor på Bladins Montessoriförskola (120 timmar). Under det andra året har du 500 timmars praktik på din valda montessoriförskola. För att bli diplomerad montessorilärare och få ett certifikat med MACTE-stämpel måste du gå "Karriär Plus"-programmet.

Camilla Nichols är legitimerad förskollärare och montessoripedagog och har drygt 30 års montessorierfarenhet från hela världen. Nu delar hon sin brinnande montessoripassion med svenska deltagare tillsammans med AIM.

AIM erbjuder plats för upp till 15 kursdeltagare - först till kvarn gäller. AIM har halverat kurspriset för svenska deltagare under premiäråret och det finns möjlighet att dela upp betalningen på två år. 

Vid frågor och intresseanmälan, vänligen kontakta Camilla Nichols på camilla@aimmontessori.org. Camilla är svensk koordinator för AIM Sverige. Det finns också möjlighet att arrangera ett Zoommöte med Camilla.

Autentisk + innovativ montessoriutbildning

När du väljer oss väljer du en bred och innehållsrik montessoriutbildning och ett team som står bakom dig från början till slut. Vår fakultet fungerar som en mentor för dig under hela resan och under din karriär som montessoripedagog.

Distanskurs via nätet

Alla program börjar med en distanskurs som fördjupar sig i montessorins filosofi och pedagogik.

Lärarledd "residency" i Malmö - eller häng med via datorn

Under ett par veckor i juli 2025 har du möjlighet att delta i en lärarledd, närvarobaserad montessorikurs i Malmö, en så kallad "residency".

Handledd praktik

Alla som går programmet "Karriär Plus" gör 9 månaders praktik på en valfri montessoriförskola, där de får stöd och personlig vägledning.
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Följande kurs erbjuds i Sverige just nu

Karriär Plus


Stöd och råd från AIM:s experter

Lärarledd utbilding i Malmö i juli 2025


115 185 kr

48 400 kr

Att betala före kursstart
Delbetala varje månad
48 400 kr
full betalning
48 400 kr

5 485 kr
3 300 kr

1 870 kr
55,665 kr

Utbildningen kan avslutas med NAMEX för de som vill (extraavgift på 1900 kr tillkommer)

Detta introduktionserbjudande gäller endast för AIM:s Sverigekurs, som startar i september 2024. Under 2025 debiterar vi fullt pris.

"Jag blev väldigt berörd under den korta tid jag hade med Camilla under min utbildning i Indianapolis i USA i juni 2024. Jag kommer alltid minnas tårarna när jag såg Camilla demonstrera vardagsövningen hur man tvättar sina händer - det var så mycket mer än att bara tvätta händerna... Jag börjar verkligen förstå vilken skillnad det är för barnen när en övning demonstreras med en helig tystnad - det fängslade mig verkligen och det kändes som en lugn och skön våg av energi gick igenom hela kroppen."
Lisa Dodge Pinkham
AIM:s Tidig barndom-utbildning i Indianapolis, USA, 2024
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Möt vår Ledningsgrupp

Candace Babcock

Verkställande direktör
Candace started with AIM in Spring of 2021 in what was supposed to be a part time position as the Educational Technology Director. Her drive, organization, and affinity for leadership proved her to be the perfect candidate for the position of Executive Director which she was promoted to in December 2021.

Candace has always had a passion for education and while being in the classroom wasn’t her calling, she learned a great deal from her post-secondary education at Eastern Washington University where she earned her Early Childhood and Secondary English Education degrees. She also spent 2 years attending Boise State University earning part of her Master’s in Educational Technology degree- a degree she hopes to complete when she figures out a way to increase the number of hours in a day!

After moving to Bozeman, Montana in 2011 Candace worked as a program administrator for a local nonprofit, then took a job at Zoot Enterprises as a developer and later a Quality Assurance Analyst and Business Analyst. After the arrival of her two children, Audra and Wade, Candace decided to put her career on hold - only to capitalize on her “extra” time to write and create a preschool curriculum for her children, which she also sells online.
This time with her children reignited a love for education, curriculum development, and technology, which eventually led her to where she is now- helping to lead a team that develops curriculum and programs for other people that love children and their many gifts!

Karen Walton

Karen är AIM:s programchef. Hon har arbetat på AIM sedan 2018, bland annat annat som praktiksamordnare, "residency"-instruktör och nivåkoordinator för programmet "Barn i förskoleåldern". 

Innan dess ägde hon sin egen montessoriskola på landsbygden i Montana, där hon också undervisade. Karen har en kandidatexamen i musik och en magisterexamen i avancerad montessoripedagogik. Hon är dessutom certifierad montessoriförskollärare och nyligen certifierad i amerikanskt teckenspråk.

Sedan 2007 har Karen undervisat i musik i kommunala skolor. Hon har också undervisat i montessoriklassrum sedan 2007 i delstaterna Rhode Island och Montana. På AIM arbetar hon med praktikanter, observerar montessoriklassrum och deltar i webbseminarier.

När hon inte jobbar tycker hon om att påta i trädgården, laga mat och ägna sig åt trailrunning. Hon älskar också att gå långpromenader med sin hund Jax och att campa med sin man.

Carolyn Sweet

Marknads- och kommunikationschef
Carolyn har en kandidatexamen i konsthistoria från Ohio State University och har studerat både konsthistoria och amerikanska kulturstudier på avancerad nivå vid Bowling Green State University i Ohio. Hon har undervisat i humaniora på högskolenivå sedan 2006 och jobbat med marknadsföring i över ett decennium.

Carolyn brinner för att stödja montessoripedagoger i deras resa och har varit en aktiv bidragsgivare till montessoriskolor sedan 2013. De senaste åren har hon haft uppdrag som marknadsförings- och antagningssamordnare, styrelseledamot och volontär.

När hon inte jobbar han hon äran att uppfostra två väldigt självständiga barn som började sin montessoriresa som spädbarn. Hennes man är montessoricertifierad för högstadiet och gymnasiet, och har lett och grundat montessoriprogram för ungdomar i Ohio och South Carolina. Carolyn har varit en del av AIM:s team sedan 2022.

möt vårt antagningsteam

Randall Klein

registrar & admissions officer
Randall holds a bachelor’s degree in German from Carroll University (Waukesha WI).  He received his Montessori early childhood teacher certification from American Montessori Internationale (AMI) in 1977 and taught in multi-aged Montessori preschool classrooms for sixteen years.  

In 1986 he received the Master Teacher diploma from the Pan American Montessori Society after conducting numerous teacher training courses with his mentor Dr. Elisabeth Caspari, who was a friend and student of Maria Montessori. 

In 1993 he left the classroom to focus on developmentally appropriate early reading instruction as a reading coach, consultant, and seminar leader. Randall finds great satisfaction in the many opportunities he has each year to deliver the Montessori message and methods on early reading instruction to parents and to public and private school teachers throughout the country. 

In 2012 Randall joined the faculty of Authentic Institute of Montessori as assistant program director. He is currently the Aim registrar and admissions officer. 

Kirsten Guisto

sales and customer service manager
Kirsten joined the aim Team in March of 2022. She has a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from San Francisco State University. In addition to her background in education, she has worked at a University, sales and the hospitality industry.   

After college, Kirsten and her husband spent three months back packing through Europe and caught the “travel bug.” She has spent the past five years traveling with her husband, 3 children and their dog in an RV. They have been to 49 states as well as 9 of the Canadian Provinces(although home is on the Central Coast of California). She believes travel is one of the best educational experiences and feels blessed to be able do this with her family. 

Vi jobbar med programmet "Barn i förskoleåldern"

Kara Renick

early childhood level coordinator
Kara is the Level Coordinator for Early Childhood. Before working at AIM Kara received her Montessori training through Age of Montessori (AIM) and started her teaching journey. She taught in  Montana as well as Colorado.

In her time in Colorado Kara had the wonderful opportunity to help open a new Montessori school with the goals and passions to have a truly authentic and positive cultured school .Kara has visited Mexico and Honduras to visit schools in several different rural cities within both countries. In those schools she worked with teachers to empower them to teach the children with all their passion as well as provided them with new materials for their classrooms.

Kara has had a passion for children since high school. She discovered the Montessori philosophy and began her journey leaning and developing herself as a teacher and guide to the children and later on other teachers as well. She hopes to inspire and empower more teachers as she works at Authentic Institute of Montessori.

Outside of school, you can find Kara looking for adventure outside, climbing cliff sides, and enjoying time with her husband, two kids, and family dog, Whiskey River.

Liz Goodman

early childhood professional development coordinator
Liz currently teaches in a primary classroom at King’s Wood Montessori School in Foxboro, Massachusetts. She lives in Sharon, Massachusetts with her husband where they raised two children, a recent college graduate and rising college junior. Liz holds a M.Ed. in Montessori Education from Xavier University, a Montessori Early Childhood Certification from aim, and a B.A. in U.S. History from Central Connecticut State University. Her experience as an educator spans over 20 years both as a high school teacher, and for the past 11 years in an early childhood Montessori classroom.  

In her free time, Liz loves to read, hike, practice yoga, travel, cook, and spend time with family and friends. She is also a huge Boston Celtics fan!

Rocio Rademacher

early childhood faculty advisor español
Rocio began her career in education over sixteen years ago, with the last eight years focused specifically on Montessori education. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and International Business from Anahuac University in Mexico. As an entrepreneur, Rocio initially worked with an innovative product for Central America's asphalt industry.

Her path took a significant turn when she encountered Montessori education through interactions with Montessori guides and students at a local farmer’s market. The natural rapport she had with the children led the guides to recommend Montessori training. Encouraged by their advice, Rocio pursued her Montessori certification in Costa Rica in 2017 and later completed a Master’s in Education from Loyola Maryland in 2022. Over the past eight years, she has worked in Montessori schools in cities such as Austin, Seattle, Minneapolis, and the Bay Area, developing a deep appreciation for how the Montessori Method supports children’s growth and development.

Outside of work, Rocio enjoys the beauty of nature, residing in the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina with her husband and their two dogs. This immersion in the serene landscape helps her feel revitalized and provides fresh perspectives on her work. Rocio is eager to join AIM and contribute to the ongoing growth of the program and its community.

Camilla Nichols

Svensk Kordinator FöR AIM Sverige
Camilla är uppvuxen i Bjärred i Skåne och har en förskollärarexamen från Lunds universitet. Hon började sin montessoriresa på St. Nicholas i London 1994, efter att ha blivit montessoricertifierad inom förskola och lågstadium. Med passion för undervisning och resande har Camilla sedan dess undervisat i Asien, Europa och Nordamerika. Hon var ansvarig för att starta upp MCTD-lärarutbildningen på Montessori Children's Academy i Chatham i New Jersey 2014, där hon också är instruktör och rådgivare utöver sin roll som montessorichef. Camilla har även ett "Barn i förskoleåldern"-certifikat från American Montessori Society och hon är konsult åt Bladins Montessoriförskola i Malmö.

Camillas två barn har båda gått på montessoriskolor och är nu framgångsrika högskolestudenter, som utbildar sig inom sjukvård och till bergsguide. Camilla var tidigare chef för "Girls on the Run" i Essex County, en ideell organisation i USA som stärker flickors självförtroende genom fysisk och mental träning. 

Heidi Tussing

online faculty advisor
Heidi växte upp i Lincoln, som är huvudstad i delstaten Nebraska i USA, men flyttade runt i flera olika delstater innan hon slog sig ner i Helena i Montana, där hon bor idag. Heidi har en kandidatexamen i statsvetenskap från University of Nebraska och en masterexamen i socialt arbete från University of Wyoming. Hon jobbade som socialarbetare med barn och familjer i många år och undervisade i socialt arbete innan hon hittade montessori av en slump när hon letade efter en bra förskola till sin dotter. Upptäckten blev starten på hennes egen montessoriresa.

2009 blev Heidi certifierad som montessorilärare för barn i förskoleåldern i Kalispell i Montana, vilket ledde till jobb på flera montessoriförskolor i Helena. Hon var bland annat lärare på Montanas första icke-privata montessoriförskola, som finansierades av Montanas lagstiftande församling. Därefter tog hon sin lågstadiecertifiering vid Authentic Institute of Montessori och undervisade en lågstadieklass i en privat montessoriskola i Helena. Idag är Heidi lärarvikarie med montessorifokus på de kommunala grundskolorna.

På fritiden älskar Heidi att åka skidor, cykla och vandra i Montanas vackra natur tillsammans med sin man och tre barn (varav två är vuxna). Lika mycket tycker hon om att bara ligga och slappa i en hängmatta.

vi jobbar med programmet "spädbarn"

Nancy McNabb

infant-toddler level coordinator 
Nancy McNabb is a parent of four adult children, a grandparent of nine grandchildren, a Montessori teacher and school administrator, a Montessori consultant and parent coach. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in counseling from Florida State University. Her love for children led to her pursuing the Montessori Early Childhood certification where she was trained by Dr. Elizabeth Caspari and Mary Ellen Maunz in 1983.

Upon graduation, Nancy founded her first school in the Twin Cities and later taught in and directed a large Infant/Toddler Community. Being in the classroom with these young children inspired Nancy to complete her Montessori Infant/Toddler certification with the American Montessori society in Boulder, Colorado in 1994. She has taught in and been the administrator of two other successful Montessori schools in Montana over the past 39 years. 

Nancy helped to develop the Montessori Infant/Toddler Teacher Course for aim which launched in September 2021. She is the main instructor of the course, and oversees and mentors the students and interns. She is delighted to work for aim fulfilling a long-time goal of training teachers and parents to observe children, prepare the environment and themselves to meet the children’s needs, and to become loving, peaceful, and positive role models for the children in their lives.  

In her spare time Nancy enjoys gardening, taking walks and playing with her nine grandchildren. 

Courtney Reed

infant-toddler assistant level coordinator 
Courtney found her passion for working with children in her college years. While studying Mathematics at The University of West Georgia and competing in the world of collegiate tennis, she found her true passion in working with children. Through her nannying career, her work for a Montessori family grasped her attention and she heavily pursued her desire to be in a Montessori community. After assisting in a pre-toddler classroom for 2 years, she learned the true basis of a Montessori environment and what intentions Maria Montessori had in creating the Montessori philosophy. Courtney chose to join Cool Springs Montessori as a toddler guide in 2019 and has accomplished many things in the last five years, including her IMC Montessori certification from The Center for Guided Montessori Studies that is also MACTE accredited.

A human can find joy in few things in life like Courtney has found in educating children, but her love for her family trumps it all. Courtney was born and raised in Bowdon, Georgia and was the middle of 3 sisters. Primarily raised by her mom, responsibilities and real-life experiences were introduced early. She became an independent and driven young woman. Through USTA tennis tournaments, she met her husband, Grant, and the rest is history (cliche--I know!). Grant and Courtney moved to Nashville in 2015, soon became engaged, and married in May of 2016. Since then, they have welcomed 2 children into their family, Tripp (6 years) and Charlie (2.5 years). They now live in a beautiful 1905 home in Eagleville, Tennessee and really enjoy all the beauty that Tennessee has to offer. Treasure hunts (antiquing), hiking waterfalls, and family movie days are just some of the things that they enjoy.

vi jobbar med programmen Grundskola I och II

Suzanne Tipton"

elementary professional development coordinator
Suzanne Tipton found Montessori while working as a high school Math & Science teacher in Thailand. She completed the Lower Elementary course with Age of Montessori and led her own Lower Elementary classroom at Montessori School of Louisville for four years. She made the difficult decision to leave the classroom in pursuit of her passion for training teachers.

Montessori education changed her life and she is eager to help others realize the beauty of this style of teaching. She lives in Tennessee near her niece, Kathryn, and nephew, David Michael, whom she adores wholeheartedly. (They think Auntie Q is a party!)
She also loves to draw, travel, read, scuba dive, hike, camp, and especially cooking. She has been working on writing her own cookbook for a few years now so if you are interested in vegetarian recipes, look no further!  

Fana Takahashi

elementary I level coordinator
After completing college, Fana discovered Montessori as a teacher in an early childhood classroom. She was immediately convinced by the method and trained with Authentic Institute of Montessori in Early Childhood and Elementary I.

She also holds a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction and a B.S. in Education K-8 from Montana State University. Fana has always had a passion for teaching and has been in a Montessori classroom since 2015. Currently, she co-teaches in a Lower Elementary Classroom in Honolulu, Hawaii.

In her free time, Fana enjoys traveling the world, surfing, hiking, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.

Alison Zeglen

elementary II level coordinator
Alison discovered Montessori in 2012 during a student teaching placement and was immediately inspired by the method. Upon graduating from Montana State University with a B.S. in Education K-8, she pursued Montessori credentials in Elementary I and Elementary II from the Houston Montessori Center. Alison also holds a M.Ed. in Montessori Integrated Learning from Endicott College, focusing on Montessori students and environmental education.

With a passion for teaching, Alison has been a Montessori teacher for the past ten years, working in diverse locations including Bozeman, Montana, the Cayman Islands, and Wellington, New Zealand. While she loves Montessori education for all age ranges, her true passion lies with Elementary II (ages 9-12) students.

In her free time, Alison enjoys traveling to new places, snowboarding, surfing, hiking, trying new foods, drinking coffee, and spending time with her friends and family.
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